Monday, December 13

Capstone Projects: Quad Rotor

Autonomous Quadrotor Helicopter
by 1/C Fouquette, Griffith, Miller

We were inspired by videos like this (UPenn), to make our own quadrotor.

Here is the version we built for our capstone project. The quadrotor helicopter utilizes differential thrust to hover. For its control, the system utilizes an IMU, altitude sensor, and a combo of range sensors and a CMUcam (for translational motion).

Monday, December 6

Ground Vehicle Competion

The mids returned for a second year to the 18th annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition, help in June in Rochester Michigan.

ENS Mitchell represented the other teammates (Hudson, Albrecht, and Bush).

Here is the fully autonomous vehicle on a practice run, staying in the white painted lanes while avoiding obstacles.

In the end we placed 10th or 52 teams, traveling 208 feet before driving off the course. Go Navy! Next year, Mids Mehalic, Burrow, Parrot, Lowe and Albrecht are looking to return and take one of the top 5 spots.

More info at http://www.igvc.org/